Friday, April 9, 2010

Work From Home & Change Your Life with Brown Bag Party

It seems that some stay-at-home moms are perfectly content playing Candy Land, watching Desperate Housewives on DVR, and Googling Robert Pattinson Images all day long. And God bless America, that's their choice. For me, staying at home and not having a defined "purpose" outside the home has been very difficult. I missed the feeling of being connected to the outside world and wanted to find something that helped me contribute to the household income while not dumping my girls off at daycare for nine hours a day.
However, like so many women, I assumed that most companies claiming to allow me to "work from home" and "be my own boss" were either scams or weren't going to really pay me very much. Last summer, my ASSumptions made an ass out of me, and luckily I was proved to be completely wrong.
I was invited to a Brown Bag Party at my friend Michelle's house, and I was so excited to go. My husband had just deployed, so I was lonely and bored. Plus, I had not been to a home romance party in years but remembered how much fun they were. It sounded like the perfect girls-night-in. So, I went to the party and about halfway through it, something dawned on me. The consultant doing the party seemed to be having a crap load of fun, she was out of the house while her husband watched the kids, and she was getting paid to do it.
Now, for someone who sadly looks forward to dentist appointments because someone watches my girls, I get a couple hours sans kids, and I get at least 5-10 minutes of grown-up conversation with the women working in the dentists' front office, the thought of getting paid to "party" with a room full of women and talk about sex toys really melted my butter. I inquired about becoming a representative and the rest is history.
Anyone who knows me would tell you that I'm anal-retentive, probably to a fault. I don't even buy a hair dryer without doing my research. So, naturally I really thought this through before joining the company. Now, I know a ton of stay-at-home moms who sell candles, make-up, and food storage products. But to me, there seems to be a simple and logical disadvantage to selling those kinds of products: supply & demand. You can buy that crap anywhere! I can pick up a damn candle and some concealer at Target while I'm buying paper towels. Now a vibrator on the other have to go to one of "those" stores, and not everyone is comfortable going in there or even leaving their car in the parking lot because they're usually in shady parts of town. With that said, most women are interested in those products, but as we've established the products aren't exactly easily accessible. I smelled opportunity.
In continuance of my anal tendencies (pardon the pun), I of course had a lot of questions. So, I did more research about the company and discovered these amazing perks of owning my own Brown Bag Party business:
* No Sales or Recruiting Quotas. No Inventory Required.
* 20% Hostess Rewards, funded 100% by company. (Many other companies force you to pay for hostess rewards.)
* 50% COMMISSIONS! (Best in the industry.)
* Direct to customer shipping – you never have to sort, ship, or deliver product.
* Website that allows you to sell online 24/7.
* This job gives me freedom! I choose to work only when my husband can be home with my girls, so they're never in daycare.
* Best of all, doing parties doesn't even feel like working. It's fun!
I have never been disappointed with my decision to work from home and become an Independent Consultant for Brown Bag Party. In fact, with my commissions from my very first party, I paid for the cost of my business start-up kit. My business was immediately in the black!
But best of all, being able to contribute to the household income again is something I desperately wanted to give to my family. It's not that my husband ever pressured me to earn money; we made the decision years ago that me staying home with our children and keeping them out of daycare was worth the financial sacrifice. This was about me. I needed to feel like I did something professionally that I was proud of. It feels amazing to leave a party and text, "Made $350 tonight." to my husband. (And that's just for a couple hours of work!) My parties average commissions of $200-400. Decide how many parties you want to do a month, and.....well, you can do the math. Four parties a month could easily put an extra $1200 in your pocket, and not for anywhere close to 40-hours of work per week!

What are you waiting for? As long as you're comfortable talking about sex to a group of women and if you've been looking for a way to earn money with a completely flexible work schedule, this is what you've been looking for. I truly believe in this opportunity because it has changed my life. I am always willing to talk to anyone about this business and answer any questions you have. Remember, I'm the anal-retentive one who had a gazillion questions. Please click here for more information about starting your own Brown Bag Party business, or to join the business online. Again, this is a business that has changed my life, and now for a limited time only you can start your own business and be your own boss for only $99. Hey, you'll never earn $1200 a month Googling Robert Pattinson......

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